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epoxy guru

(the little boy in this picture is now almost 30 years old)


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Progressive Epoxy Polymers, Inc.

Paul Oman CEO 603-435-7199 EST

MON - FRI  --  10AM - 4PM




"The Right Epoxy Fixes Darn Near Everything!"


Find the humorous link to the MSDS for COFFEE Click Here - (www.buy-marine-epoxy-resin.com)

Clicking Here - (www.buy-epoxy-floor-paint.com) will get you to the humorous link to the MSDS for Drinking Water

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large primary everything site: EPOXYPRODUCTS.COM

Visit one of our other sub-website pages: epoxylink.com

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GURU (Merriam-Webster online dictionary):

1) a personal religious teacher and spiritual guide in Hinduism;

2) a teacher and especially intellectual guide in matters of fundamental concern;

3) one who is an acknowledged leader or chief proponent;

 4) a person with knowledge or expertise.

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Introduction to the Epoxy Guru home page


Welcome to a web site designed to lead you to answers, solutions, and product recommendations for all things epoxy. This includes marine epoxy and boat building /repair, epoxy floor paint projects (usually garage related), epoxy leak repair, rot repair, epoxy tables/bars and the application and use of 'apply underwater' epoxies. Also, brushed on or poured on table and bar top epoxies, and swimming pool repairs.

With the links below you can ask your epoxy question to the Professor (Professor E.Poxy) and read Q and A stuff about marine epoxy and floor epoxy on the "Old Goat" sites.

We are pleased to provide a place where you can get free professional help with two part epoxies. Too many epoxy related web sites are all about selling you product. They usually only provide you with the 'good points' and never mention issues like epoxy yellowing, out-gassing, pot life issues etc. The folks assigned to deal with the public are usually sales people and not coating (epoxy) professionals. The industrial / commercial coatings industry is VERY different, offer better products  and is much more professional than the DIY / Home Owner coatings marketplace and box store coatings.


Paul Oman MS -- MBA

A.K.A. “Professor E. Poxy”  -- "The Old Goat"  -- "Epoxy Guru"


epoxies since 1994

Pittsfield, NH

Member: NACE (National Assoc. of Corrosion Engineers)

 SSPC (Soc. of Protective Coatings)

NEW TO EPOXIES?  Visit our EPOXY page on this site to educate yourself on epoxies, epoxy applications and where to buy specific epoxy paints, resins, and putties. It consists of 3 sections.

1) Epoxy 101 - epoxy educational section

2) Epoxy applications - where to use epoxy

3) Epoxy products - top selling epoxies and probably the ones you will be purchasing.

The page you are currently on is more of a "send us your questions" page. The EPOXY link listed here gets you seriously into the world of epoxy. Please check it out.


-- Send the Professor your epoxy questions - click here  -- or call 603-435-7199 instead

More Q&A help


Old Goat FAQ  marine site  - marine epoxies

the Guru is also a leading expert on boat repair and restoration

Old Goat FAQ home site  - floor epoxies


Epoxy Guru info links


Best Aluminum Paint - learn about ALUTHANE (tm)


Aluminum Pontoon Boat Repair pontoon leaks and corrosion


Rust - Corrosion dealing with rust


Basement Leak Repair floor - wall joint leaks (also wall or floor cracks)


Clear Epoxy all epoxies yellow but some start out clear


Epoxy epoxy basics


Epoxy Fibs don't believe everything you read!


Epoxy Floor Paint planning on painting your cement floor?


Epoxy Glue using epoxy to glue things together


Epoxy Links were to go - online epoxy catalog links


Epoxy Tech Support get more help


Marine Epoxy build or repair your boat


Outdoor Table Coating coating outdoor surfaces with clear coats


Pool Repair pool repair without draining the water


Potable Water Epoxy epoxy for drinking water tanks


Shipping Container Floor Sealing sealing out the poisons in shipping container wooden floors


Table and Bar Top Epoxies pour on epoxy for thick film table and bar top surfaces


Treating Wood Rot dealing with rot - epoxy solutions





Top two epoxy vendor sites on the Internet -  #1 (huffnpuff.us) and #2 (epoxyproducts.com)


Please show your support by clinking on these links and helping these sites with their search engine ranking


MOBILE FRIENDLY everything-epoxy web site (with links back to "full screen" web sites) CLICK HERE

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comes out about 6 times a year via email.





Where to Use India Spar Varnish

Our India Spar Varnish has three primary applications. 1) applied over a thick or thin layer of epoxy used on table tops and bar tops. Vanish provides necessary UV protection that all epoxies need as well as a wear surface that can be polished to a mirror finish. 2) Varnish is used on 'natural' wood finishes on boats. Again, generally over epoxy (such as in Stitch - and - Glue  or wood strip construction)  but sometimes directly on the wood. If you using our Basic No Blush marine  epoxy (why not?) be sure to wash off and remove any amine blush that might have formed on the surface of the epoxy before you varnish it. Note that spar varnish is a solvent based coating that has been time tested for over a century on boats out in the sun and weather 24/7. You won't find any modern "polyurethanes " on these boats (keep the urethanes for indoor use - better still, use India Spar Varnish on inside applications too). 3) Use India Spar Varnish over naturally finished wood floors, usually over an epoxy primer - ESP 155 (or thicker epoxy like LOW V epoxy - used on shipping container floors) applied over the wood and under the varnish. ONLINE STORE Purchase Here - Cannot be shipped to California.


NOTICE: Legal notices, Terms of Service, warranty information, disclaimers, health warnings, etc. are required reading before using web site, ordering and/or using Products. Any such use and/or ordering, online or by telephone, shall constitute acceptance and knowledge of all such terms. CLICK HERE  to access these terms. Please note: Whenever you purchase from this web site, and with each new purchase, you are granting us full and complete permission to add you to our email newsletter list at our option.


RETURNS: call or email for authorization to return. Returns are subject to a 25% restock fee. Customer pays return shipping and must comply with federal DOT shipping requirement/labeling for hazmat epoxies under penalty of fines and legal action.


By Paul Oman

1977 - revised 1985 - published Journal Irr. Results 9/88

Brown n' lumpy, in texture like glue;

I poured me-self into dat batcha stew.

It bubbled, it rumbled, it moaned on da fire,

and when nightfall came it still weren't through.

A witch's brew, whether thick oh thin,

'taint no match for da mixture dat bol'd within.

Da eyes of a froog, da legs of a newt,

'taint but nothin' 'pared to what I'd tossed in!

Dare was a pinch o' this, n' a 'hole lota that;

Why dat spicy concoction coulda kilt a grown rat!

Hey! But dat's how I's like it, so dat's how it's made,

n' anyone who'd be complainin', I'll knock dead oh flat!

My, dem fumes from dat stew pot were noxious n' vile,

strong nuf to be smelt fur prit-near a mile.

Well, long 'bout noon, twas done n' I knew it.

Why jist thinkin' 'bout dat stew - I cut a huge smile.

But fore I could taste it, Lord, n' explosion loud

surrounded dat stew pot with a mushroom shaped cloud.

High in da sky it rose up an' foamed

blottin' out even da Lord's own clouds!

A Critical Mass, you see, done foamed in ma pot,

when da whole bloodly mixture was a bubblin' hot.

So, "Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"

"Cause I'm the one gonna cook up dis evenin's fare.


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